Jackson County, Missouri

     Truth in Reporting

The History of the Democrat Party

This is the page Democrats hope you will never see

  • In 1828 the Democrat party was founded by Andrew Jackson, a slave-owner, and a man who is so hated by Native Americans that they refuse to use the $20 bill.

  • In 1833 Great Britain outlawed slavery in its territories making it the first country in the history of the world to do so. 

  • In Nov 1860 Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was elected President. Six weeks later South Carolina seceded from the Union because they knew the new president was opposed to slavery.  

  • The United States was the only country in history whose people actually fought and died to end slavery.

  • No Republican was ever a slave owner. President Biden’s claim, “They’re gonna put you back in chains,” is a total lie. Only Democrats ever did that.

  • in 1865 President Lincoln was shot and killed by an angry southern Democrat because he freed the slaves. 
  • Did you know that 75 Republicans and 2 Democrats voted for freedom for the slaves in 1865 and 1 Republican and 31 Democrats voted against freedom for the slaves? 

  • There was not a switch of parties. This myth cannot be validated by any facts of history. Every Democrat politician who voted through the decades against freedom and against Civil Rights for Black people stayed a Democrat (except one).
  • The main reason many southerners became Republicans was because Christians in the South could not support abortion. This was a slow shift in ideology, as in, the party of JFK is not the party of Biden. And the Party of Nixon is not the party of Trump. But there was not a point where there was a switch. The party of Lincoln is not the Democrat party today.   
  • Juneteenth - June 19, 1865 was “when Blacks found out that the first Republican President had signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing them from the physical bondage of the Democrat Party. It was 2 years later, July 4, 1867, that 150 of those same Black men met in Houston and established the Republican Party of Texas. The Democrats, in response, established the Ku Klux Klan.” (Allen West)
  • During the Great Depression of the 1930s, some Black Americans, who had been solidly Republican, with strong stable families, began voting for FDR, presumably because he helped poor people. (I guess they didn’t know FDR refused to invite Jesse Owens to the White House along with the white olympians.)

  • More Blacks started voting Democrat when Johnson was president because, with the help of Republicans (not Democrats), he passed the Voting Rights Act. 

  • President Biden has referred to “Bull Conner,” a southern racist, inferring that he was a Republican, but he was actually a Democrat in Birmingham, AL who forcibly kept that city segregated in the 1960s using fire hoses and dogs against protesters.
  • The Democrats were so against the Civil Rights Bill that they intended to defy it. They tried to get an amendment to the law passed that would allow anyone breaking that law to be tried by a southern white jury, which of course would let them off for breaking the new law. Thankfully, Republicans defeated that amendment. 
  • The longest filibuster in U.S. history was 75 days. It took place in 1964, when Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act. 
  • In 1964 President Johnson enacted a series of laws and policies called, “The Great Society,” which was supposed to end poverty, but which, in reality, ended the stable Black family. Unmarried women were, in essence, paid to have children, but they had to stay single. Today 77% of Black children grow up in a household without their father. 

  • Though Johnson pushed for and signed the 1964 Civil Rights bill into law, it was Republicans who voted it through Congress.
  • Many white Democrats in the South became Republican in the 1970s, not because they were racists, but because they were evangelical Christians who could not support the abortion position of the Democrat Party.

“Today, the Democrats are economically enslaving Blacks and have turned inner city communities into modern plantations of welfare and economic dependence.” (Allen West)

Slavery didn’t break the black man. Racism didn’t break the black man, but President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society destroyed the black family by giving money to black women with no husbands. This broke the black man because he became unnecessary. He didn’t need to take care of his woman and kids because the government would do that. So black men fell into drugs and crime and rampant sexual immorality. Many young black girls without their fathers became rebellious and sexually immoral. Many fatherless black boys became and angry and violent. Children NEED a father in their lives and preferably in their home.

Remember this — The reason a mouse gets caught in a trap is because he doesn’t understand why the cheese is free. Many Democrat voters also don’t understand why Democrats promise free stuff, but, you see, it’s a trap. There are always strings attached—strings that bind us into a new kind of slavery, which essentially is submitting to the will of the ruling elite. 

The new racism of the Democrat Party today is called “the soft racism of low expectations.” Basically, Democrats believe that Black people can’t survive without being given welfare, or lower thresholds to get into college, or requiring companies to hire them through hiring quotas (affirmative action), and now through the new buzz words: equity (which is not the same as equality), diversity & inclusion.

Mistreatment of Black people is only one of the evils of the Democrat Party. There are others—(READ MORE).

The Democrat party, which (arguably) used to stand up for workers, is now consumed by fringe issues (mostly sex related) and no longer fights for the working man and woman. Bill Clinton learned that supporting big business can make a politician rich, and since then Democrats have moved to support big corporations, passing laws that favor these businesses, and enriching themselves along the way. (We call that ‘taking bribes’! The Bible says, “Bribes corrupt the heart,” Eccl 7:7.)  All big corporations currently support Democrats. Do you now understand why? 

The working class, meanwhile, has begun to move to the Republican Party in order to have some voice in the political process. Many union members now vote Republican (though their leaders do not), and ordinary men and women are trying hard to remove the remaining old Republican big-business (RINO) guard, voting them out of office and taking over the party for the working class, conservative, faith and family voters. The Washington D.C. Uni-party is made up of all Democrats and Globalists-Republicans, neither of which support the working class. The Leftist-Marxists have taken over the Democrat Party from the JFK crowd, and we (the little people) are taking over the Republican Party from the Globalists crowd. Join the New Republican Working Class Patriot Party and help us stand up for ordinary people! 

Malcolm X understood what the Democrats were really doing to Black people and someone murdered him. Listen to this short clip

Mr. John Amanchukwu understands what’s really happening. Watch this short video