Jackson County, Missouri

     Truth in Reporting

Are Democrats Still the Good Guys?

Do Democrats care about you? 

Friends and Neighbors, 

People have heard all their lives that Democrats are the good guys, that they stand up for the working people, the little guy. But something is changing lately. This is NOT your father’s Democrat Party. This new group of Leftists who have taken over the party does not care about the working man. 

Republicans have been accused of being “for the rich.” But what a joke that is. Look around you. Who are the rich? They are Democrats – big corporations, Hollywood, athletes, media (TV, print and social media), universities. Normal working-class people have lost any voice in the Democrat party. And the news media are all in cahoots with them, so you will never find out.

From the Clintons on, Democrat politicians have learned that the gravy train is with the rich corporations. They get money from these corporations, which makes them personally rich, and they pass laws that are favorable to these corporations. We are the suckers because we believe their lies. 

Here’s some real news for you —

  • Democrats have caused inflation. 

We had extremely low inflation when Biden took office. He has allowed fewer drilling permits for oil and gas than we’ve had since the 1940s. Since everything in our country is shipped by truck or train, higher gas prices causes all other prices to go up. The rich, white Democrat elites on the East and West coasts love to complain about climate change because higher prices don’t hurt them. And do you know where they get the electricity to charge their expensive electric cars? Yes, fossil fuels. Why? Because there isn’t enough renewable energy to fuel the electricity we need today, must less what the Democrats want us to use. Our country has all the fuel we need, but instead of drilling, Biden is buying it from other countries!

Whatever you’ve been told by the media to think of Mr. Trump, he knew how to make our nation prosperous. I don’t know about you but I’d rather be prosperous than poor. Inflation steals money right out of your wallet.

And who does inflation hurt the most? People in middle and lower-income neighborhoods. Rich people are rarely touched by inflation. 

  • Democrats support teacher’s unions and their control of our schools. 

They are firmly against a parent’s right to have a say in their child’s education. They will never allow school choice, which is your right to send your child where you feel is best for him. No, they will force your child to stay in a neighborhood school, even if it’s failing. Democrats also support unlimited transgender rights over protecting your child’s safety and privacy at school.

And who do poor schools hurt the most? People in middle and lower-income neighborhoods who cannot afford private schools, can’t move, and have no other choices.

  • Democrats support defunding the police. 

Sure, there are problems in the police force that should be corrected, but defunding the police causes crime to explode in our streets. Large cities all over our country are now unsafe because of defunding the police.

  • Democrats support no bail laws. 

It’s sad that poor people can’t afford bail, but if they didn’t commit a violent crime, bail wouldn’t be required. No-bail laws put criminals immediately back on the streets to commit more crimes. This policy tells criminals they won’t be punished for their crimes, so crime goes up. Illinois just passed a no-bail law. 

And who does crime hurt the most? People in middle and lower-income neighborhoods. Rich people have gated communities and their own security guards. 

  • Democrats support open borders. 

Our kids are dying from fentanyl while Democrats turn a blind eye. Yes, poor people are coming in looking for better jobs, but with them come criminals and drugs. If we don’t weed them out, crime will go up even more.Last year there were over 600,000 “gotaways” (those who didn’t want to be caught, drug dealers). 

And who do open borders hurt the most? People in middle and lower-income neighborhoods who compete for these same jobs and suffer most from the drugs and crime.

  • Democrats support and actually need racism. 

That may sound like a crazy statement, but without the race card they would never be able to stay in power. It’s why they talk about racism all the time, and they blame everything on racism instead of their own incompetence. But people have been lied to -- Republicans are NOT racists. A little bit of history shows that only Democrats were the slave owners, were behind Jim Crow laws, segregation, and the KKK, while Republicans fought to end slavery, and voted for the Voter Rights Act in 1965.  (READ MORE)

  • Democrats support trans drugs and surgeries that are mutilating our kids, and abortion for our babies. 

They support biological boys in girls’ sports and girls’ restrooms. They support homosexual marriage, and every other anti-God perversion as they slowly chip away at our freedom of religion. Don’t be fooled; they hate God and His laws. What will be next?

  • Democrats are totally supported by the Media, who lie to us. 

It’s hard to figure out why the media lies so much, but this is for sure: the big media are controlled by 6 corporations (meaning 6 powerful men) who tell the reporters what they can write (or they will get fired). So, what do those 6 men have in common? They are super rich (they don’t care about your problems). They are globalists (they hate borders and don’t care about our country). They support Democrats who pass laws that will keep them super rich and powerful. They divide us by telling us we are all racists and turning us against each other. They tell us this is about love, or about accepting gay people, or protecting the environment from climate change. But none of that is true. It is just a distraction to keep us from seeing what they are really doing. They hate Donald Trump because he is the only powerful man who stands against them. They lie about him because he is the only one who is capable of bringing them down. Most of what you know about Donald Trump, and whether you like him or not, was put in your mind by the media. They know what they are doing!

So, do Democrats really care about you?

No, they don’t! Democrat politicians have discovered they can get rich by supporting rich people. Just look at the acquired wealth of Biden, Obama, Clinton, and many Democrats in Congress, who came into politics poor and became rich. Where did that money come from? Harry Truman famously said, the only way a politician can get rich is by being corrupt. 

Our communities will never get better if we don’t change who we vote for. Our cities are being destroyed by Democrat policies. How long will it take for the poor people there to realize the Democrats are not for them? 

Do you remember that Hope and Change thing that never happened? If you want real change for the better, vote Republican!

Republicans are for:

  • Safer communities -- Reform the police, don’t defund them.
  • Getting criminals off the streets -- Only a few criminals do most of the crime. It would be fairly easy to clean up.
  • Reforming welfare as one way to help get dads back in the home. Teen boys and girls have higher success rates if their dad lives with them.
  • Securing our border to protect our children from drugs, and our jobs from low-income workers.
  • Supporting Parents’ rights in education and school choice.
  • Lowering prices and inflation by freeing up drilling for oil and stopping the government giveaways and printing money
  • Merit-based hiring. 
  • Bringing our country together. 
  • Making our country great for us — MAGA

The message of the Republican Party is … 

Freedom, Prosperity, and Safety


The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they want to defund the police, and they love the criminals more than law-abiding citizens.

And please remember this — they don’t shape their policies around their popularity. Everyone can hate what they are doing (taking away your gas stove, your window air-conditioner, or your light bulbs) and they will still do it, because they don’t care what you think. They don’t need your vote because they know how to cheat to win elections. Heck, they don’t even have to campaign anymore (no debates necessary)! With scams like Ballot Harvesting, unsecured drop boxes, Ranked Voting, and Approval Voting, they will always be able to stay in power. 

If you are concerned about any of these….

Vote Republican!

If we keep voting the same, everything will stay the same.


Freedom - Prosperity

& Safety

