Jackson County, Missouri

Truth in Reporting

GOP Headquarters, Blue Springs                   Kansas City skyline                                                                                                  Jackson County Courthouse, Independence

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Hello Neighbor!     

The American Founders created the Electoral College to provide checks and balances that protect presidential elections, but now a campaign called National Popular Vote (NPV) is trying to destroy the constitutional system.

‍     NPV uses state legislation to change how presidential electors are selected. States would ignore their own voters and give away their electoral votes based on the national popular vote. The NPV plan takes effect if passed in states that together control 270 or more electoral votes—a majority that would control who becomes president.

‍     Currently, 15 “blue” states with 195 electoral votes have passed NPV. This is 72% of the way to hijacking the Electoral College.

The Founders created the Electoral College so that all voters have a voice. They did not want a few big states or giant cities to control us all. The Electoral College also protects us against election fraud and keeps states in charge of elections. Make sure your representatives knows to vote against NPV.


Check out some other pages on the Jacomo News website: (see menu at top)


Three Republicans have declared their intention to run for governor in 2024: 

Sec of State John Ashcroft, Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, Senator Bill Eigel

If you have info on any of these men and their background in voting or supporting pro-Missouri issues, please let us know.


Missouri Legislature


  • Plan to widen I-70 from Blue Springs to Wentzville
  • SB 298 - Passed a ban on texting and calling while driving, hands-free calling is still allowed. 
  • SB 49 - The SAFE Act - Doctors banned from giving transgender drugs to kids under 18 or doing trans surgery. 
  • SB 39 requires athletes to compete on team of their biological sex. 


  • BIG FAIL - Missouri needs a tougher path to changing the constitution. Our current 51% of the vote in an election allows dark money and other questionable practices to add laws to our constitution (as in: the Cannibus bill, Clean Missouri, Right to Work, boat gambling….remember these losses?) It also allows our 2 biggest cities to completely override the wishes of the rest of the state. The House passed a version to change how we add to the constitution; the Senate did not. (They’re too busy debating how to do sports betting.) Now we worry that ballot measures next Fall will put abortion, same-sex marriage, and ranked choice voting into our constitution. Senators, what are you doing?
  • READ MORE . . .


Kansas City declares themselves a “sanctuary city” 

for transgender medical procedures … but MO AG fights back

The Kansas City Council voted to protect transgender drugs and surgery before the governor even signs the bill into law. AG Bailey says this will be looked back on like the lobotomies in the 1940s, which were all the rage then, but now we know they permanently damaged people.  READ MORE . . .

Kohl’s joins the crazies —  

along with Bud Light, Target, Kohl’s is now joining the trend to push trans-gender ideology. Levi’s has also joined them by selling gender-neutral jeans. 

Have you ever wondered how “WOKE” got started and why it seems to have taken over our country so quickly! Watch this video from Prager U — Unwoke Inc. You’ll have a better understanding of how we got here and what we can do about it. 


Here’s an interesting bit of history comparing President Buchanan’s failure to prevent the Civil War to President Biden’s failures in this really good article by Bill O’Reilly. 


Jackson Country Republican Committee censures State Senator Mike Cierpiot

Because of State Senator Mike Cierpiot’s continued support of weighted voting in the county committees, Jackson County Republican Central Committee has censured him for disregarding the committee’s requests to dismiss SB16. One person—one vote is the basis of our democracy. Weighted voting give more importance to some votes than others. 

‍      Weighted voting is a leftist’s ploy to centralize power into their hands. Why is Cierpiot pushing for a leftist tool? We have to ask that. He has had too many excuses for why he has voted with the Democrats in our State Senate. Perry County on the east side of the state has already voted to censure Cierpiot over this issue, and the Jackson County Committee is encouraging all other county committees in the state to do the same. Even though his bill didn’t make it out of committee, the Jackson County GOP Committee voted to express their displeasure, since he is from Jackson County.



Jackson County Republican Vetting Committee

Republicans have a super majority in our Missouri Legislature, but we still have difficulty getting conservatives bills passed that the people want. Why is that? (See their failure record). It’s because anyone can register to run as a Republican, then vote as a Democrat. Our biggest problem in Jefferson City is RINOs! Our State Reps and Senators are fighting each other instead of getting things done for us. How many bills did they leave unfinished? How many Republicans voted with the solid Democrat block and against our wishes? What good does it do to elect Republicans if they don’t vote for what we want?

‍      Voters don’t check their Reps voting record. They usually just vote for the R or the D. Our Representatives in Jefferson City seem to forget that they are there to represent us, not push self-serving bills or do the bidding of their big donors. We even have State Republican committee members who voted for Ronna McDaniel again, even though many county committees across our state did not want her.  

‍      How will we hold them accountable? We want your voices heard. This year our Jackson County Republican Vetting Committee will again vet candidates to see if they agree with the Republican Platform? The Vetting Committee is looking at ways we can encourage our reps to work/vote together to get things done. Here is what we are planning:

  • We will ask them to sign a pledge to represent Republican voters and support our Missouri Republican Platform.
  • We will monitor their votes, and hold them accountable for their voting record by reminding them when they get off track. 
  • If they refuse to sign this pledge or align their votes with the Missouri Republican Platform, then we (the voters and the Republican Committee) may refuse to support them for election or re-election in the primary. 

There is disagreement over whether a RINO is better than a Democrat. At least a RINO gets it right some of the time. So, in the general election we will support the Republican, but we may use all our effort to primary a RINO out of his/her job.

‍ June 2023

Volume 1, Number 6

Tucker Carlson explains how the media lies to us—either they don’t tell us the whole truth (leave out vital parts), or they straight up lie. Listen to him explain. (This is on twitter.com)


“Climate change is a lie and fossil fuels are a requirement for human prosperity. — Vivek Ramaswamy


Should We Let the Blue Cities Die?

There are NO blue states, only blue cities in red states. They all elect Democrats who make terrible decisions, then expect the rest of us to bail them out. 

  • Mayor Lucas promised the World Cup committee $50 million for new stadiums, and then our Governor bailed him out! KC was only asking for $12.5 million the next 4 years, but Jeff. City gave them $50 million in one lump sum.  And ticket sales to the World Cup events are exempt from state sales tax (worth $1 million).
  • South Loop Park is a $200 million project in downtown KC. MODot pledged $28.6 million, and the Feds another $28.6 million (courtesy of Senator Roy Blunt and Rep. Emanuel Cleaver). This will build a roof over I-670 from Wyandotte to Grand. To be completed by the World Cup in 2026.

Meanwhile, other important needs in the city are not being met.  Will it even be safe to go to this park? 

(Thanks to T. Nash for alerting us to this story.)


KC Mayor Q’s Defund the Police Lawsuit

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas is asking the state’s high court to set aside the vote results in November in which 63.2% of voters mandated KC raise police funding from 20% to 23% of its general fund. He alleges that Missouri officials used false financial estimates and misled the voters to get them to approve the amendment. 


Jackson Country Republican Party Headquarters

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 (across from Blue Springs Bowl) — 816-875-9690.

Our headquarters is a busy, active place with people dropping by every day and various meetings to engage our community. Stop by and visit us. 

We have conservative/Republican products (t-shirts, hats, signs, etc) in our store for sale. 


The Jackson County Republican committee

is working hard to get our message out to the voters. The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom for you. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they love criminals more than law-abiding citizens. 

      If you are not on the Jackson County Republican email list, you can help us keep in touch by going to jacomo.gop or emailing us at editor@jacomonews.org - and join our list. We NEED to hear from all right-leaning voters in order to make you aware of the news that the media won’t cover. In fact, one of the best things you can do to help get conservative Republicans elected is to join an email list. This helps us get out the vote on election day. 

We want to hear from you!

We want to be the party that listens to and responds to the voters. So, please let us know what issues you are concerned about in Jackson County, and in Missouri. We will report back in the next newsletter what your concerns are. 

Let us know if you have information about a local government body that our readers need to know. 

If you know of someone else who might like to receive this newsletter, let us know – editor@jacomonews.org

Keep up with

Our Missouri US senators: 

Josh HawleyPress releasesTwitter

Eric Schmitt — Press releasesTwitter

President Reagan warned that if we don’t defend our freedoms, “one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Good Memes . . . 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

This is also true for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NCB, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post, etc. 

Jacomo News - jacomonews.org -  is a news agency, created by local citizen-journalists who want truth in reporting, and is supported by the Republican Party of Jackson County. This month’s contributors are: M. Freeman, C Huff, T. Nash

You can help. Send us information about your local government to editor@jacomonews.org