Jackson County, Missouri

Truth in Reporting

GOP Headquarters, Blue Springs                   Kansas City skyline                                                                                                  Jackson County Courthouse, Independence

Be a Volunteer

 May 2023

Volume 1, Number 5

Hello Neighbor!      

‍    Florida and Tennessee just voted to offer full school choice to all their students. That follows Iowa, Arkansas, Arizona, and West Virginia. Texas has a bill in their House now. What’s up with the Missouri Legislature? Why is Missouri always on the tail of everything? Why aren’t we leading? As one observant Missourian stated, it’s because the government school system is more about jobs for adults than education for kids. “From 1950 to 2012, student enrollment increased by 96% while teacher growth was 252% and non-teaching school administrators grew an astonishing 702%” And we should note that those administrators get 4-10 times the pay of a teacher. We now average spending $16,000 per student in our country! (source)

‍     Many school teachers are afraid that full school choice (the money follows the student) will mean loss of teacher jobs and lower salaries. But this is illogical. We still will have the same number of students who will need to be educated. The teachers will not be unemployed and there is no reason their pay should be less, however some administrators may be unemployed and their bloated salaries may be lowered. That would be a great start to allowing more money to be freed up to educate kids. 

‍     Preoccupation with nonsense is destroying Missouri schools — An article from the Springfield News-Leader says, “Things that matter and work have long been replaced by meaningless catchphrases, administrative bloat, groupthink and nonsense. High classroom standards and expectations gave way to cooked statistics on grades and graduation rates; zero-tolerance discipline policies became ‘safe spaces’ where frontline staff no longer have deterrence; and hard work, competency and merit have been replaced by therapeutic endeavors and victim culture.”

‍     Part of the fault is that many School Boards, supposed to be the voice of the parents, have become woke, and allowed this mess to happen. Universities continue to pump out indoctrinated social justice warriors who have now overwhelmed the K-12 school system.

‍     School choice will NOT destroy the public schools. In Arizona, 3/4s of the students still attend the public schools. That means that parents still have to be vigilant about school boards and what’s going on in the classrooms, the library, the locker room, and the bathrooms. Teachers should be FOR school choice. It will allow teachers more freedom and more flexibility in their classrooms. They would even be able to start their own schools.

‍     Christian schools are sometimes fearful of school choice because they believe the money will come with restrictions and requirements for their schools. That’s always a possibility, but it is also why we must remain vigilant at all times. We must require our state legislators to give us a bill that will work for all of us. 

‍     The only answer to the disintegrating education level in our state and county is competition, which means school choice - or better yet, “School Opportunity.”


Congratulations to the lawmakers of Kansas!

Kansas just become the first state in the US to pass a bill defining gender based on biological sex at birth. SB 180, the “Women’s Bill of Rights,” restricts men from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms and sports. The legislature voted to override Kansas Gov. Kelly’s veto.


Here is important information about the all-ages drag shows going on in Englewood by Englewood Arts. “Minors are invited.” See this link for more information. What can we do about this? Call or contact John Perkins JPerkins@indepmo.org on the Independence City Council. This is happening in his Independence district. 


City Information

Blue Springs  - City Council - Blue Springs happenings - School Board - Facebook  

Buckner - City of Buckner - Ft. Osage School District

Grain Valley - Council News - School Board

Independence - City Council - School Board - Facebook 

  • Mayor’s trash Clean-up days. Second Sat in each month, April-Oct., 9-11am Schedule:

‍                May 13 – Bess Truman to Mill Creek by Truman Library

‍                June 10 – 291 and Truman

  • Some Independence residents have circulated a petition to lift the ban on pit bulls—BSL breed specific legislation. They needed 3,000 signatures but got 5,600. Now the JaCoMo Election board has 30 days to verify the signatures. The City Council will then decide whether to make a decision on this or put it on the ballot in Aug. or Sept.
  • Soon the City Council plans to have a meeting to discuss whether to sell Independence Power & Light

Kansas City - City Council

  • Support Jill Sasse for City Council - Can you volunteer before or on Election Day June 20 handing out flyers at one of the open poll locations?

Lee’s Summit - City Council - School Board

Lone Jack - Mayor & Aldermen

Oak Grove - City of Oak Grove - Mayor & Aldermen - Ward Map

Raytown - City of Raytown

Do you have news from your city council? Let us know so we can share with others. 


What a cool story! Videos like this one give us hope. This young man found out the truth. Listen to his story in this short video.

Support Conservative-Owned Businesses . . .

. . . that Support Your Values! We need a parallel economy here in Jackson County. Let the patriots know whom we should support. 


  • Tuscano’s Restaurant in Buckner MO - great food and they support conservatives. They provided the food for our recent Lincoln-Reagan Dinner and it was fabulous!
  • KEME Sweets Bakery - 615 N. Sterling Ave., Sugar Creek, MO 64054 - 816-886-6536, Nancy Griego, owner. Wonderful treats and coffee, with the best hot chocolate in Jackson County! Place an order for cookies or baked treats for your special occasion. 


  • Dave Richards Home Building - Independence - 816-365-8034
  • Superior Refinishing System - Professional bathtub & shower, reconditioning - refinishingsystems.biz - Independence - 816-509-4054, Stephen Huff, owner
  • Family Transformations and Transformation Visitation Home - Independence, non-profit organization run by Colleen Huff

In this spot every month we would like to highlight businesses in Jackson County that support the Republican Committee and our work getting conservative Republicans elected in our county. If you know of a local place of business that supports our conservative values, tell us about it. 


Jackson Country Republican Party Headquarters

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 (across from Blue Springs Bowl) — 816-875-9690.

Our headquarters is a busy, active place with people dropping by every day and various meetings to engage our community. Stop by and visit us. 

We have conservative/Republican products (t-shirts, hats, signs, etc) in our store for sale. 

Worried about our country?  Be a Volunteer!

This link gives you several ideas to get involved and help conservatives.

  • We need committeemen and committeewomen in a few county districts to represent their area on the Jackson County Republican Central Committee. Contact Chairman Mark Anthony Jones at 4thwardcommitteeman@gmail.com
  • We are looking for good candidates to run for School board—people who will fight for our children. Right now we have pornography available in the (Lee’s Summit) school libraries, indoctrination in CRT (usually called something else), and restrooms issues with transgenders. If you are interested, contact Colleen at info@Colleen4indep.com
  • We need Conservative candidates that we can support for County, City, and State offices. 

The Jackson County Republican committee is working hard to get our message of Freedom, Prosperity, and Safety out to the voters. The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom for you. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they love criminals more than law-abiding citizens. 


‍      If you are not on the Jackson County Republican email list, you can help us keep in touch by going to jacomo.gop or emailing us at editor@jacomonews.org - and join our list. We NEED to hear from all right-leaning voters in order to make you aware of the news that the media won’t cover. In fact, one of the best things you can do to help get conservative Republicans elected is to join a email list. This helps us get out the vote on election day. 


“In 2016, we overthrew a corrupt political establishment that believes they’re entitled to permanent rule over the American people -- and they went crazy.”

— Donald Trump, 4/5/2023



Bookmark this page. 

There is a new edition at the first of every month. Keep up on what’s happening in Jackson County. 

We often have to keep fighting our own elected Republicans officials!

Below is the Missouri Senate vote to ban Diversity-Equity-Inclusion in Missouri schools. 

Yes = ban it;  No = allow it. 

Senator Mike Cierpiot and 8 other Republicans joined with the Democrats and voted NO to allow it, giving Democrats a big win, and us a big loss. 

What a shame that Republicans can’t stand together! With just 2 more votes the ban would have passed.

Is MO a Purple State?

Republicans have a super majority in our Missouri Legislature, but we still have difficulty getting conservatives bills passed, Why is that? 

Anyone can register to run as a Republican, then vote as a Democrat. Our Representatives seem to forget that they are there to represent us, not push self-serving bills or do the bidding of their big donors. How will we hold them accountable?

  • This year our Jackson County Republican Vetting Committee will again vet candidates to see if they agree with the Republican Platform? 
  • We will ask them to sign a pledge to support our platform.
  • We will monitor bills and votes, and hold them accountable for their voting record. 
  • If they refuse to align their votes with the Missouri Republican Platform, we must refuse to support them for re-election.

Missourians need to be careful that they aren’t deluded by the Ranked Choice voting scam (this year called Approved Voting). Alaska is now trying to undue their mistake. Corrupt Republicans in Arizona and Georgia are trying to get Ranked Choice in their states. This will permanently silence the voice of the people.  One person, one vote is sacred in this country!

Keep up with

Our Missouri US senators: 

Josh HawleyPress releasesTwitter

Eric Schmitt — Press releasesTwitter

If you know of a doctor or hospital that is giving minors dangerous trans-gender drugs or sexually-mutilating surgeries you can file a complaint by going to this link - 


Missouri Legislature

Keep up on news from Jefferson City at 

Special Prosecutor bill 

Two Plans to expand I-70

  • The Senate plan will widen the road all the way across the state, while the House plan will only widen it in the areas around KC, Columbia and St. Louis. Gov. Parsons favors the Senate plan.

MO Senate OKs higher bar for constitutional changes

  • Missouri voters would need approval from a majority of the state’s congressional districts or a 57% statewide vote to amend the state constitution under a proposal the Senate passed April 27.

Push for open enrollment in schools picks up steam in Missouri

  • Committees in both the House and Senate debate proposals allowing students to leave their home school district. Many amendments are being discussed. The content of the final bill is uncertain right now. 

GOP fast tracks bill making it harder to amend Missouri Constitution by initiative petition

  • A bill to change the way amendments are added to the State Constitution is now working it way through the Legislature. The Republicans are making it a priority this year. 

Closed Primaries - (Support Stacy HB31)

  • Our 2022 landmark election integrity legislation provided for voluntary declaration of party affiliation by voters registering or registering to vote. This bill would go beyond that by (1) requiring party affiliation or be identified as "unaffiliated" and limit voting in our primaries to members registered with that particular party. This change is important so that members of other parties can't adversely affect selections of party candidates by switching parties at the last moment, voting for the weakest candidate, and then "switching back" as they walk out of the voting precinct.

We want to hear from you!

We want to be the party that listens to and responds to the voters. So, please let us know what issues you are concerned about in Jackson County, and in Missouri. We will report back in the next newsletter what your concerns are. 

Let us know if you have information about a local government body that our readers need to know. 

If you know of someone else who might like to receive this newsletter, let us know – editor@jacomonews.org

Around the Nation

Look at what Sarah Sanders is doing for Arkansas

  • We need a governor, reps and state senators who will put Missouri “on the map” and do bold things for our citizens. 

American HS grads are Skipping College to go to Trade School

  • They don’t want the debt and are getting into a career earlier. The Pandemic exposes the problems in our education system from K thru college. 

Pres. Biden has stated (incorrectly) that solar and wind energy is cheaper than coal, and so he says he is going to shut down all coal plants in our country. We are left to wonder how we can protect ourselves from these crazy Leftists who are determined to destroy our country and our prosperity. 

Jacomo News - jacomonews.org -  is a news agency, created by local citizen-journalists who want truth in reporting, and is supported by the Republican Party of Jackson County. This month’s contributors are: M. Freeman, C Huff.

You can help. Send us information about your local government to editor@jacomonews.org