Jackson County, Missouri

    Truth in Reporting

GOP Headquarters, Blue Springs                     Kansas City skyline                                                                                                  Jackson County Courthouse, Independence Square

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 

(across from Blue Springs Bowl)


 June 2024

  Volume 2, Number 4

Hello Neighbor! 

Jackson County Property Tax Update

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and the State Tax Commission are suing Jackson County over our property tax mess. Nola Wood reported, “A county Judge rejected a motion by the county to dismiss the lawsuit and ordered the county to go into mediation with MO Attorney General and the State Tax Commission for 60 days. Attorney General Bailey ‘encourages Jackson County residents who want to share their stories to contact his office at 800-392-8222 or ago.mo.gov.’ County Legislator Sean Smith will propose a negotiated settlement that rolls back to 2022 + 14.9% maximum, lower if someone got a lower value, credits taxpayers, and forces the county to agree to increased oversight for future assessment. Thanks, Sean— the only one on our County Legislature who is fighting for us!”

‍     The court case begins Jun 6. Preston Smith will be an expert witness on Jackson County Assessments for the Missouri Attorney General in court. State Rep Chris Sander said, “Jackson county assessments were illegal and courts must credit or refund taxes collected due to illegal actions of Frank White’s assessment office.”  Sander has “filed legislation ….for a constitutional amendment to make the Jackson county assessor elected by voters rather than appointed by Frank White.”

‍     Jackson County residents didn’t get to vote on this property tax raise, and we didn’t even get to vote on the assessor. He is appointed by County Executive, Frank White. Stay tuned. Republicans are fighting this for the citizens of Jackson County. If you are a renter, don’t be fooled. You are paying this tax also in higher rent. 

News from our State Legislature

Shockingly, our State Legislature got very little accomplished this year! For an overview of bills that were passed into law by our state legislature this spring session, see - https://legiscan.com/MO

‍     There were only 16 bills passed into law this Spring session. In the past 3 years there have been 74, 79, and 73 bills passed. Some that failed would have been very helpful to Missourians, and some were critically important, but the State Senate Republicans can’t seem to get along or agree on anything. The Conservative Caucus is pretty adamant about issues they support and the RINOs and moderates would rather vote with the Democrats than give the Conservative Caucus some of what they want. Both sides are dug in and won’t give in, so the only thing for us (the voters) to do is to replace them! 

‍     We have some GREAT new candidates running this Fall. Some will first have to clear the Primary. 

‍     Below are our State Senate Candidates from Jackson County: (July’s newsletter will show the State House Candidates from Jackson County)

At right is a map of our senate districts in Jackson County.

State Senate: 34 senate districts, 10 Democrats, 24 Republican, of these only 10 Republicans are aligned with the Conservatives Caucus and 15 with Senate Leadership—those 15 need to be replaced!

Term: 4 years with limit of 8 years; even numbered districts were up for election in 2022, odd numbered districts are up in 2024. Senate emails are done through an online form on the senator’s page.

Senate District 7 (western KC & Grandview) - now an open seat as the Democrat Gary Razer had resigned (Joey LaSalle-R is running in 2024)

Senate District 8 (Blue Springs & Lee’s Summitt) - Mike Cierpiot-R (incumbent) - office phone - 573-751-1464 — mike.cierpiot@senate.mo.gov, (he terms out in 2026)

Senate District 9 (Raytown & eastern KC) - Barbara Anne Washington-D (Derron Black-R is running in 2024)

Senate District 11 (Independence & Ft Osage Townships) - John Rizzo-D (Rizzo 

terms out in 2024) Republicans running for this seat are: Joe Nicola, Aaron McMullen and David Martin. Aaron is currently serving in the House. 

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in Jackson County. 

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We’ll keep you informed.

The Jackson County Republican committee is working hard to get our message out to the voters. The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom for you. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they love criminals more than law-abiding citizens. 

      Join our email list — If you are not on the Jackson County Republican email list, you can help us keep in touch by going to jacomo.gop or emailing us at editor@jacomonews.org - and join our list. We NEED to hear from all right-leaning voters in order to make you aware of the news that the media won’t cover. In fact, one of the best things you can do to help get conservative Republicans elected is to join an email list. This helps us get out the vote on election day. 

Please share this newsletter with a friend.

Keep up with

Our Missouri US senators: 

Josh HawleyPress releasesTwitter

Eric Schmitt — Press releasesTwitter

Stay Informed!

Thomas Jefferson said, "A nation that expects to be ignorant and free . . . expects what never was and never will be."

Upcoming GOP Events

  • Sat June 8 - Meet Michael Green-R, candidate for State House District 35, and Derron Black-R, candidate for State Senate District 8 - at 16300 E. 55th Terr, KCMO, 2-4 pm
  • June 13 & 24 - Meet Tracey Chappell-R, running for Jackson County Prosecutor, at Tassos’ Restaurant, 8411 Wornall Rd, KCMO, 5:30pm
  • July 14 -  GOP Ice Cream Social, Elks Club, 99th &  Holmes
  • August 23 - Golf Tourney at Drum Farm

Jackson Country Republican Party Headquarters

Jackson County is the only county in Missouri that has a full-time Headquarters. Stop by and visit.

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 (across from Blue Springs Bowl) — 816-875-9690.

Our headquarters is a busy, active place with people dropping by every day and various meetings to engage our community. 

Shane is the County Clerk for Greene County (Springfield). He has prosecuted voter fraud in his county and will help our state elections become safer. He is a quiet man, but very effective. 

Good Memes . . . 

Jacomo News - jacomonews.org -  is a news agency, created by local citizen-journalists who want truth in reporting, and conservative voice in Jackson County, MO. 

Frequent contributors are: M. Freeman, T Nash, C Huff, N. Wood, D Gordon, T Viens, 

You can help. Send us information about your local government to editor@jacomonews.org