Jackson County, Missouri

    Truth in Reporting

GOP Headquarters, Blue Springs                     Kansas City skyline                                                                                                  Jackson County Courthouse, Independence Square

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 

(across from Blue Springs Bowl)


September 2024

Volume 2, Number 7

Hello Neighbor! 

Today’s Democrat Party  is not your father’s Democrat Party!

This video below  is the most powerful summary you will ever see of what the Democrats stand for today. Please click on the video below and watch it — SHARE the link with everyone: post it, email it, message it to friends, etc.  Make it go viral! People need to know.

Help us win elections 

in Jackson County 

Go to our website


and sign-up for FREE

We’ll keep you informed and 

you can ask questions!

Good News from all our Republican patriot warriors (Sean Smith, Joe Nicola and others) who have been fighting for fair property taxes in Jackson County. As a result of the state lawsuit against Jackson County, the Tax Commission has ordered Jackson County to roll back their assessments. Read below:

Seniors can learn about how to apply for a property tax credit.

Call the GOP HQ for reservations - 816-875-9690 - More info below.

Want to know what’s on the ballot Nov 5th?

Ballot Initiatives for Nov. 5

WE have the best chance we’ve ever had to elect a conservative to congress from Kansas City. Don’t stay home! He will need every vote of people who are tired of Democrat policies that make us poorer.  In order for Trump to be able to do great things for us and our economy, he must have a House of Representatives behind him. This is why it’s time to fire Emmanuel Cleaver and elect 

Sean Smith for US Congress MO District 5

Sean has been tirelessly working to help people with this property tax mess. Our County Executive, Frank White, has caused harm to many families. The school districts have crocodile tears flowing because they want more of your money, but when is enough enough? It’s outrageous how much money the districts get and they don’t care how many families they hurt.

‍                   ~ ~  ~ 

Kansas City has one of the highest crimes rates in the country. Why? Because we have a Democrat prosecutor. If you are tired of the crime and want to see criminals behind bars, then this Nov. elect

Tracey Chappell for Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney

We have some fantastic patriot Republicans running for the State Legislature in districts that have never been won by a Republican. Let’s help these candidates to victory. 

Vote Early this Fall. We lose many Republican votes because we don’t get their votes before Election Day. This fall VOTE EARLY. Republicans lost 2 state house seats in Jackson County because democrats won early voting.  If you receive Joe Nicola campaign updates he is focused on early voting.  If we DO NOT do early voting, we lose 5% of Republican turnout and in many races the margin for victory is less than that. 

Other Important Races in Nov.

Please support these R candidates 

(see maps at right for Senate districts & House districts)

Senate 7 — Joey LaSalle (R)

  • running against Patty Lewis (D) (Open Seat - incumbent Greg Razer-D appointed to Tax Commission by Governor Parson)

Senate 9 — Derron Black-R

  • running against Barbara Washington-D

Senate 11 — Joe Nicola-R

  • running against Robert Sauls-D

House 19 — Karen Spalding-R

House 20 — Mike Steinmeyer-R

House 21 — Marjain Breitenbach-R

House 22 — Mireya Barragan-R

House 23 — Daniel Contreras-R

House 24 — Claudia Toomim

House 25 — Steve Bright-R’

House 26 — Tony Zarantonello-R

House 27 — no Republican running

House 28 — Steve Hinton (R)

House 29 — Robert Bruette-R

House 30 — Jon Patterson-R

House 31 — Ron Fowler-R

House 32 — Jeff Coleman-R

House 33 — Carolyn Caton-R

House 34 — JC Crossley-R

House 35 — Michael Green-R

House 36 — Dave Thomas-R

House 37 — no Republican running



Citizen-led ballot initiatives only need a simple majority, 50%-plus, in order to pass.

Amendment 6 would secure funding for salaries and benefits for sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys, and circuit attorneys; and 

Amendment 7 would mandate that only U.S. citizens can vote in elections in Missouri and would also ban rank-choice ballots, in which voters would rank where a candidate appears on a ballot by preference. 

• Tulsi Gabbard — “The Democrat Party left me behind and became the Party of corporate elitists, warmongers and anti-freedom propagandists.

• Jonathan Turley, George Washington University professor — This November "Democracy is not on the ballot, but free speech is."  President Biden is "the most anti-free speech president since John Adams." 

Keep up with

Our Missouri US senators: 

Josh HawleyPress releasesTwitter

Eric Schmitt — Press releasesTwitter

Jackson Country Republican Party Headquarters

Jackson County is the only county in Missouri that has a full-time GOP Headquarters. Stop by and visit.

10-4 Mon-Fri, 10-2 Sat.

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 (across from Blue Springs Bowl) — 816-875-9690.

Our headquarters is a busy, active place with people dropping by every day and various meetings to engage our community. 

The Jackson County Republican committee is working hard to get our message out to the voters. The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom for you. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they love criminals more than law-abiding citizens. 

‍      Join our email list — If you are not on the Jackson County Republican email list, you can help us keep in touch by going to jacomo.gop or emailing us at editor@jacomonews.org - and join our list. We NEED to hear from all right-leaning voters in order to make you aware of the news that the media won’t cover. In fact, one of the best things you can do to help get conservative Republicans elected is to join an email list. This helps us get out the vote on election day. 

George Orwell’s famous book 1984 has some quotes that are true for us today. 

by Glenn Beck

1. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

2. “They add nothing to the wealth of the world, since whatever they produce is used for purposes of war, and the object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war.”

3. “I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don’t want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.”

4. “… one knows the news is all lies anyway.”

5. “Power is not a means; it is an end … The object of persecution is persecution.”

6. “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.”

9. “DOUBLETHINK means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

Please share this newsletter 

with a friend.

Subscribe to: editor@jacomonews.org

Upcoming GOP Events

We will be having a booth in several local fairs this fall. Please volunteer to help us. Call our HQ at 816-875-9690. This is a great time to talk to people about the importance Republican values and the importance of this election.

  • Santa-Cali-Gon Weekend - Aug 30 -Sept 2  - Coordinator for GOP booth – Terrence Nash
  • Grain Valley Fair- Sept. 6-7 -  
  • Blue Springs Fall Fest- Sept 20-22 - GOP Coordinators:  Dan Stacey, Ron Fowler
  • Oak Grove Lick Skillet Days Sept. 27-28
  • Buckner Festival in The Valley Sept. 20-21 GOP Coordinator: Jenny Keeling
  • Red Bridge Block Party Oct.12 - GOP coordinators: Terrence Nash, Michael Smith, Dave Thomas

"You shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens." ~ God

Good Memes . . . 

Jacomo News - jacomonews.org -  is a news agency, created by local citizen-journalists who want truth in reporting, and conservative voice in Jackson County, MO. 

Frequent contributors are: M. Freeman, T Nash, C Huff, N. Wood, D Gordon, T Viens, 

You can help. Send us information about your local government to editor@jacomonews.org