Jackson County, Missouri

    Truth in Reporting

GOP Headquarters, Blue Springs                     Kansas City skyline                                                                                                  Jackson County Courthouse, Independence Square

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 

(across from Blue Springs Bowl)


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the November newsletter go jacomonews.org/nov23.html

 October 2023

  Volume 1, Number 10

Hello Neighbor! 

Are Our Politicians Representing Us?

We have a saying in our country that harkens back to the Revolutionary War — “No taxation 

without representation.” But do we have representation today? We send politicians to Jefferson City, to Washington, or to our city councils who we believe will represent us. But often they give in to lobbyists and bureaucrats. Which one of us would ever vote for tax increases? Almost none of us! So, who do these politicians represent? I’m afraid that most of them DO NOT REPRESENT US! In fact, we’ve seen some basically tell the voters that they will not vote for what the voters want! They represent themselves and they cave to government bureaucrats, lobbyists with money, and corporate interests. It’s a rare politician today who actually stands up for what the people want. Do they ever ask you how they should vote?

‍      Do our elected politicians have no backbone? Maybe they just simply don’t care about us! Or maybe they want the money from lobbyists or big corporations. Why can’t we get legislators who stand up for the people? We don’t need empty promises. We need candidates to prove to us that they will vote for the people—before we vote for them!

‍      This struggle against the Deep State, politicians, and the Left is a worldwide problem. We saw what happened in Brazil last year. The Left did the same to Bolsonaro as they did to Trump. Now Javier Milei is shaking things up in Argentina (see video link on right). He is a Populist, like Trump, who is sick of the way politicians treat the people and enrich themselves at our expense. 

  • He says our true enemy is the state and the politicians who control it. 
  • He says Leftists complain that there is not enough money, while they impose taxes on the people who produce money. 
  • He says most politicians are parasites who have lived off of politics their whole lives, and they are on both sides politically.
  • He asks, if the politicians are our representatives, why do they raise taxes when we don’t want that? 

‍      Career politicians are our enemy, and we keep voting for them! Be careful who you vote for. Know the candidates before you vote. 

Election Nov 7, 2023 — What’s on the Ballot in Jackson County?

Prepared by Terrence Nash     

Jackson County Question #1 — Shall Jackson County impose a local use tax for the purpose of financing road and bridge construction projects within the County, including projects within the corporate limits of cities within the County, for financial assistance to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless, and for renovations and repairs to the Jackson County Courthouse in downtown Kansas City and the Eastern Jackson County Courthouse and Historic Truman Courthouse in Independence, at the same rate as the total local sales tax rate, provided that, if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action? 

Our comments: This is a sales tax on business out-of-county vendor purchases.  When businesses taxes are increased they just increase the cost to the consumer.  The County doesn’t deserve a windfall. They should be reducing taxes if one tax is increased.  Can you afford higher prices? Do you trust County Executive Frank White and the legislature to manage and spend tax dollars wisely? VOTE NO.

Kansas City Question #1 — (Public Bus Transit System) SHALL THE FOLLOWING BE APPROVED? Shall the City of Kansas City continue a city sales tax for the purpose of developing, operating, maintaining, equipping and improving a public bus transit system for Kansas City, pursuant to contract with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, as authorized by Section 94.605 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri at a rate of 3/8% for a period of 10 years? 

Our comments: This is for a renewal of a sales tax that was renewed in 2007 and went into effect in 2008.  Much has changed and the bus service has not been maintained or improved. The main change is the implementation of so-called free bus service. This allowed for the deterioration of safety on buses and the inability to be able to restrict criminals from just using buses and bus stops as opportunities for crime. The KCATA is now engaging in economic development schemes to the detriment of Kansas City policy on TIF’s. This money is a backdoor way to fund City, World Cup transportation needs which is a separate City initiative and should not be funded by diverting money from basic public bus transit. VOTE NO.

Please vote on Nov 7. These issues affect you!

Javier Milei  of Argentina

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tincidunt lorem enim, eget fringilla turpis congue vitae. Phasellus aliquam nisi ut lorem vestibulum eleifend.

“Most governments are run by a small group of people, for their own benefit, without reference to what the majority wants.” —Tucker Carlson. 

      This is also painfully true in Missouri. Ask your Rep if he is going to go to Jeff City to do what you want, or what he wants.

      Listen to this short (4 min) powerful clip from a speech by Tucker ….

Do you know your State Rep and Senator? Every 2-4 years we elect new ones. They create our state laws, so it matters what they stand for. Check this link to find yours - 

Our Electoral College is Vital!

The idea of an electoral college was another genius idea from the founders. It makes fraud harder and it makes sure that candidates don’t overlook the smaller states. Just imagine, without the electoral college, Democrats could get enough votes in California and New York, and it would be all over for the rest of us. 

      Actually, we could use an electoral college in our states to keep the big cities from overwhelming the smaller counties. Just look at Illinois. The poor people outside of Chicago have NO say in their state government. We want our State Legislature in Jeff City to pass a law making it tougher to change the state constitution—maybe a majority of counties, not just St. Louis and Kansas City dictating to the rest of the state. 

Learn more at saveourstates.com

A New Driving Tax?

In 1978, we were also under the oppression of an incompetent president—Jimmy Carter. There

were gas shortages and blocks-long lines at gas stations, high inflation, high gas prices, and sky-high mortgage rates. Sound familiar? In the winter of that year, Gov. Rhodes of Ohio (a Republican!) issued a call to all the citizens to lower their home temperature to 68 degrees and save gas and electric. After a few months, the utility companies began complaining that they weren’t getting enough money in, so they raised the rates! The tax-paying citizen always gets squeezed. 

‍      Right now there is a move across America to charge drivers with a “miles-driven” tax instead of a gas tax. You see, too many people are moving to electric and hybrid cars, saving gas (as we are told to do) and now the state governments are complaining that they are losing gas tax money. So, to remedy that (Lord knows the state governments don’t get enough of our money) they want to tax us on how many miles we drive. There are 2 ways of doing this: 1. Put a device on our car that reports how much we drive. 2. Require a car inspection every year, which would include reporting how many miles we have driven that car. Then they will know how much to tax us. 

‍      We must forewarn our state reps and senators—We will not have this in the state of Missouri. We want reps and senators who will stand up for the little people, the tax payers, instead of always doing the bidding of businesses, corporate interests, lobbyists, activists, or state bureaucrats. We’d like to hear our reps and senators ask for once, “How will this affect the people?” Normally, lobbyists flood the capitol and whine about how they are being hurt by some policy. But no one stands there for the people—except that our reps and senators are supposed to do that for us! 

‍      Did you know Missouri has been raising our gas tax since 2020 by 12.5 cents over 5 years, bringing it to 29.5 cents a gallon by July 2025? Did they ask us if we approved? Did your rep or senator ask you how they should vote on this?

‍      Oh, by the way, did you know you might qualify for a gas tax rebate. Of course, it’s a contorted process (why do our legislators love doing that?—it’s because few people will do it, while our reps can say they did something for us. Kind of like school choice in MO.) But here it is if you’re interested.       

‍      Most drivers, of course, are unaware of this little perk. The state paid out $400,000 (at $30 each claim) and got in $82 million from the gas tax increase. Would you go through all this work to get $30 back? I doubt it. 

‍      Let’s watch and see if our state legislators will stand up for the people against new taxes like this. They surely didn’t protect us from the wolves in the Jackson County Legislature raising our property taxes. And they didn’t protect our state constitution from being easily changed by dark money and out-of-state influence. Don’t assume that if an “R” is beside their name, that they will stand up for the people. 

Important Articles from other sources:

  • I Bet You We’re Not Better Off Now With So Much Gambling. Good article — we need to think about this is Missouri. “There are few more depressing places on the planet than a casino in the few days after Social Security checks or direct deposits arrive….Michigan saw a major spike in calls to gambling help lines after they allowed online ‘gaming.’”  And remember MO state lawmakers want to add online gambling in MO, especially MO State Senator Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg, who is Running for Secretary of State. (See our July issue for more on him.)

  • Eigel Launches Bid for Missouri Governor with a Focus on Tax Cuts. “State Sen. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, has officially launched his campaign for Missouri governor. If elected as governor next year, he hopes to cut taxes…. He said that the state government can function more efficiently with less money…. He said that despite the Republican supermajority controlling the House and Senate, the “wrong Republicans” are in office…. He faces off against Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe for the Republican nomination for governor.”

Keep up with 

the I-70 improvements at MODOT 

The Fight for Fair Elections

Mike Lindell was in Springfield recently for a conference on securing our elections. It was a 2-day event with many speakers, and lots of evidence of voter fraud in our elections throughout the country. The sum of it all is that we must have PAPER BALLOTS, and HAND COUNTING at local precincts — no machines, which are too easily manipulated. 

      One county in Missouri did that this year. Osage county used paper ballots and did hand counting. Even though it will take more work, it’s the only way we can guarantee fair elections. 

      Aug 27 the RNC passed a Resolution supporting PAPER BALLOTS, HAND COUNTING, VOTER ID elections! It says, in part —  "We are calling for a return to the simple and proven methods of election transparency. We will strengthen voter confidence and ensure that American election procedures can be a fair and open process for all to participate."

      Now begins the fight to get our state legislature to listen to the voters and to stand up for fair elections. 

Jackson Country Republican Party Headquarters

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 (across from Blue Springs Bowl) — 816-875-9690.

Our headquarters is a busy, active place with people dropping by every day and various meetings to engage our community. Stop by and visit us.  

Please register with the State your party affiliation here. We need to know your preference. 

Around the State

May we suggest a good blog to follow - Called Covid & Coffee. Here are some interesting  recent topics:

  • “Long COVID risks are 'distorted by flawed research', study finds.” What do you call it when majorly-flawed scientific research creates “unnecessarily high levels of anxiety?” Manslaughter? Malpractice? Nope. It’s Science, so shut up.
  • “What U.S. taxpayers are getting for their money in Ukraine.” (answer: nothing, screwed, a massive humanitarian crisis…..)

You can subscribe HERE for free.

MO Attorney General Andrew Bailey sues woke school board outside St. Louis for violating open meeting laws when making transgender policies. Read more

Keep up with

Our Missouri US senators: 

Josh HawleyPress releasesTwitter

Eric Schmitt — Press releasesTwitter

Trump's Role in History - and Why He Must Be Re-elected - Great article at this link! Read and send it to all your doubting friends. 

Love these quotes from it: (The media—TV and big tech) “abuse their unprecedented power to manipulate and propagandize  Americans…. Trump has clarified (exposed) for us these realities of our political, social, and cultural life…. But nothing will be more important for the next  president than to uproot and destroy the fascistic Deep State bureaucracy that threatens our republic.” Please read this great article! The D.C. swamp did not get drained but the water got low enough for us to see the hideous creatures residing there.

The Jackson County Republican committee 

is working hard to get our message out to the voters. The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom for you. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they love criminals more than law-abiding citizens. 

      Join our email list — If you are not on the Jackson County Republican email list, you can help us keep in touch by going to jacomo.gop or emailing us at editor@jacomonews.org - and join our list. We NEED to hear from all right-leaning voters in order to make you aware of the news that the media won’t cover. In fact, one of the best things you can do to help get conservative Republicans elected is to join an email list. This helps us get out the vote on election day. 

Billonaire business magnate Elon Musk noted in a post on X that people seem to have an inborn "need for religion." READ MORE . . . 

People today are often wounded and broken by life. But did you know you can start having the very best life you could possibly have if you will give yourself to Jesus and let Him be in charge? Start every day giving Him total control; obey Him in everything; let Him make all your decisions.  “Put yourself under the spout where the blessings pour out!”


Watch what RFK Jr. says about living a life of surrender to God

Good Memes . . . 

Jacomo News - jacomonews.org -  is a news agency, created by local citizen-journalists who want truth in reporting. This month’s contributors are: M. Freeman, T Nash

You can help. Send us information about your local government to editor@jacomonews.org