Jackson County, Missouri

    Truth in Reporting

GOP Headquarters, Blue Springs                     Kansas City skyline                                                                                                  Jackson County Courthouse, Independence Square

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 

(across from Blue Springs Bowl)


‍ July 2024

‍  Volume 2, Number 5

Hello Neighbor! 

Your vote matters! Please Vote Aug. 6 and Nov. 5

Get ready for the August Primary. There are some IMPORTANT contests this year. It is a bit confusing because so many are running in the primary. These are the candidates we recommend.  Almost all of them have been vetted. Check out their links below. 

State offices:

For Governor - vote for Jay Ashcroft or Bill Eigel or Chris Wright 

  • Jay Ashcroft’s plan “The Red Plan for Missouri” 1. Phase out the state income tax. - 2. Repeal the 12.5¢ gas tax. - 3. Cut government spending with zero-based budgeting for every agency. 

For Lt. Governor - Dave Wasinger or Tim Baker

For Attorney General - Andrew Bailey (he has shown us he fights for us), or Will Scharf (former Trump lawyer and former Eric Greitens aide)

For Secretary of State - Denny Hoskins or Shane Schoeller

For State Treasurer - Lori Rook or Vivek Malek

There are many others running. We don’t recommend you vote for them. 

See all Candidates who have filed to run at the Missouri Secretary of State office

State Legislature Primaries in Jackson County:

State House District 33 has 2 Republican candidates: Carolyn Caton and Chris Sander. 

  • Sander is the incumbent. The County GOP tried to censure him last year because he wants to change the state constitution on marriage from “between a man and a woman” to “between 2 individuals.” He voted against keeping men out of women's sports. As you can see, he might be a conservative fiscally, but not socially. 
  • Carolyn Caton has been involved in local Jackson County politics for several years and is now the secretary for Jackson County Republican Committee. We’ve seen her stand up and fight for what’s right. 

State Senate District 11 has 3 Republican candidates: 

  • Joe Nicola has been getting very involved in local issues and helping people understand their property tax problems and also helping seniors apply for a property tax freeze. Seems like a man for the people!
  • Aaron McMullen, who is currently in a State House seat. McMullen has not been vetted. He has only been in the House for 2 years and it’s uncertain why he already wants to move to the Senate. 
  • David Martin ran in 2022 for a state house seat, but lost, and this year is running for this Senate seat. 

There has been so much Republican in-fighting in the State Senate that we just need new blood! The Moderates and the Right in our party just cannot work together to get anything done. Often the Moderates would rather vote with the Democrat block (who always vote together) than to give the Right a little of what they want. They can’t even compromise. So our only answer is to replace them! We have many excellent new candidates running this year (see below). Give them your support. 

‍      This year, with the good work of GOP Committeeman, John Butler and others, we have a Republican candidate running in all but 2 Jackson County State House districts. In the past we have left many races unchallenged. Call the GOP HQ 816-875-9690 if you want to help some of these candidates running in Democrat-held seats. 

State House of Representatives (from Jackson County): 163 House districts, Democrats-52, Republicans-111, Term limit: 8 years, (See last month’s issue for State Senate races.)

  • House District 19 - Kansas City - Ingrid Burnett-D (Karen Spalding-R in running for this seat in 2024)
  • House District 20 (eastern Independence, Sugar Creek & Ft. Osage township) - Aaron McMullen-R, (McMullen is running for State Senate District 11, and Mike Steinmeyer-R is running for District 20. Mike is currently on the Independence City Council)
  • House District 21 (central and western Independence) - Robert Sauls-D (Marjain BreitenbachR is running for this seat
  • House District 22 - Kansas City, Yolanda Young-D  (Mireya Barragan-R is running for this seat
  • House District 23 - Kansas City, Michael Johnson-D (Daniel Contreras-R is running in 2024)
  • House District 24 - western Kansas City, Emily Weber-D (Claudia Toomim-R is running for this seat
  • House District 25 - SW Kansas City, Patty Lewis-D (Steve Bright-R is running for this seat 
  • House District 26 - south Kansas City, Ashley Bland Manlove-D (Tony Zarantonello-R is running for this seat
  • House District 27 - south Kansas City, Richard Brown-D (no Republican contender)
  • House District 28 - Raytown, Jerome Barnes-D (no Republican contender)
  • House District 29 - SW Independence, Aaron Crossley-D (Robert Bruette-R is running in 2024)
  • House District 30 - Independence, Lee’s Summit, Jon Patterson-R - (Patterson will be the new Speaker of the House starting in Jan 2025)
  • House District 31 - Blue Springs, Dan Stacy-R (Stacy termed out this year and will be running for Mike Cierpiot’s Senate seat, District 8 in 2026 — Ron Fowler-R is running for Stacy’s seat in 2024. Ron is currently on the Blue Springs City Council)
  • House District 32 - Grain Valley, Buckner, Jeff Coleman-R, running for re-election
  • House District 33 - Lone Jack, Blue Springs, Chris Sander-R - (Carolyn Caton is running in the August primary against Sander for this seat.)
  • House District 34 - south Lee’s Summit, Kemp Strickler-D (JC Crossley-R is running in 2024)
  • House District 35 - south Lee’s Summit, Keri Ingle-D (Michael Green-R is running for this seat 
  • House District 36 - Grandview & KC, Anthony Ealy-D — Dave Thomas-R is running for this seat 
  • House District 37 - KC (north of Grandvew), Mark Sharp-D  (Teresa Murphy-R is running for this seat 
  • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jackson Country Republican Party Headquarters

Jackson County is the only county in Missouri that has a full-time Headquarter. Stop by and visit.

1140 Hwy 40, Blue Springs, MO, 64015 (across from Blue Springs Bowl) — 816-875-9690.

Our headquarters is a busy, active place with people dropping by every day and various meetings to engage our community. 

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in Jackson County 

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you can ask questions!

A wise man’s heart goes to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left.

—Ecclesiastes 10:2 (HCSB)

Keep up with

Our Missouri US senators: 

Josh HawleyPress releasesTwitter

Eric Schmitt — Press releasesTwitter

Do you ever feel like you are working with stupid people all the time? 

Here are some interesting quotes about different kinds of people. Most are from the book, “The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity” by Carlo M. Cipolla:

  • Stupid people cause losses to themselves and to others. Stupid people are the most dangerous people on the planet. There are more of them than you think, and you can’t teach them. Stupid people destroy what they don’t understand. They may have knowledge, but no wisdom. Non-stupid people underestimate their power of stupid people. Facumdo Cabral said, “I fear nothing but stupid people. They are a huge number, and they vote.”
  • Criminals cause harm to others and benefit themselves. Criminals can control stupid people. This is much of our ruling class. 
  • Naive (helpless) people benefit others without benefitting themselves, actually harming themselves.
  • Educated people are easily conned because their concept of themselves doesn’t allow them to think they can be conned. 
  • Intelligent people are win-win people. Civilization depends on win-win people to survive.

Mark Twain said, “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who’re putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.”

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Meet Republican candidates for US Senate, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General, as well as our CD5 Congressional Nominee, County Prosecutor, State Senate and State Representative candidates who are running in Aug 6 Primary across our county.

The Jackson County Republican committee is working hard to get our message out to the voters. The Democrats will NEVER be able to give you prosperity. Their policies, which are counter to prosperity, are all about control, regulations, and power to the elite few, which also means no freedom for you. They’ll never be able to give you safety because they love criminals more than law-abiding citizens. 

      Join our email list — If you are not on the Jackson County Republican email list, you can help us keep in touch by going to jacomo.gop or emailing us at editor@jacomonews.org - and join our list. We NEED to hear from all right-leaning voters in order to make you aware of the news that the media won’t cover. In fact, one of the best things you can do to help get conservative Republicans elected is to join an email list. This helps us get out the vote on election day. 

Good Memes . . . 

Jacomo News - jacomonews.org -  is a news agency, created by local citizen-journalists who want truth in reporting, and conservative voice in Jackson County, MO. 

Frequent contributors are: M. Freeman, T Nash, C Huff, N. Wood, D Gordon, T Viens, 

You can help. Send us information about your local government to editor@jacomonews.org